Sunday, November 27, 2016

Just The Two Of Us?

"Just the two of us, we can make it if we try..." If only Bill Withers was right. No matter how much you'd love for it to just be the two of you, there is always something coming in between. Examples including but not limited to; mother dearest, playa playas, and maybe even the occasional best friend interruptions. Nothing seems to be private anymore. I know, how contradictory for a blogger to be complaining about privacy. But maybe, just maybe that's what drove me to blog in the first place! You know what really bothers me, no not the invasion of privacy, but the judgement of it all. I like to really consider myself an open book. I have nothing to hide, until you make me feel like I should hide it. I'm sorry that for whatever reason you think you live in a perfect little magical fairy kingdom where roses falls out of your arse, but I smell those roses for what they are, and, I quote another wonderful song by the classic artists Outkast, "Roses really smell like poo-poo-oo". So take your snarky comments and shove them with your make-believe roses. I've finished my wine and am dropping the mic(bottle).

I Have No Idea What I'm Doing

Ever feel like you can't seem to say anything right? Like in your head it sounds like the most wonderful idea ever, but then coming out it's all wrong? Or maybe you didn't think about it at all, it just kind of came out. And destroyed everything in it's path like the stampede in Jumanji. I would die to be able to say the right thing at the right time. Do the right thing at the right time. But such as life. Another thing that I have no idea how to deal with. Not that my life it so hard. It's just like every other boring twenty-something year old female. Which is why I'm ridiculous, because honestly I can't deal. I am an anxious basket case about the littlest thing. Like I wore the wrong shade of lipstick equals a complete come apart. Constantly, I am being told how I look like I have everything together and people can't believe how calm, cool, and collected I am. Little do they know that there is a category 5 hurricane going on in my head right now. Well if you're reading this then you're welcome to tag along for the ride as the train wreck takes off for the confessions of this wino.